Get a snapshot of your estimated royalty in the Earnings section. This report can be exported at the monthly level and displays duration streamed in hours.
Your earnings appear by availability type and marketplace.
You might notice a difference between the streaming minutes shown in the Performance Metrics section of your Dashboard and the streaming hours shown in the Earnings section. After converting minutes to hours or vice versa, differences between these two figures might be caused by the following reasons:
In the Performance Metrics section, this streaming activity will be attributed to the same day the customer streamed your video.
In the Earnings section, this streaming activity is accounted for in the month in which it is actually reported by the device. This ensures we pay you for all streaming activity, even if the streaming activity is reported after the month in which it occurred has ended.
Note: We issue payments approximately 90 days after the end of the month in which the revenue event occurred.
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