In addition to adding and removing authorized people, you can set the role, or the amount of access, the other person has.
Don’t share your account credentials with anyone. If you want to grant another person access to your Prime Video Direct account, use the Invite Users feature. In addition to adding and removing authorized people, you can set the role, or the amount of access, the other person has.
Note: Prime Video Direct account admins are the only people who can access banking information by default. Admins can grant banking information access to other people.
Each person you want to invite must first provide you with a unique user code. To get the user code, the other person must go to and sign in with an existing or new Amazon account based on a work email address. For accounts, go to A multi-factor authentication process is required. A user code appears that the other person should provide to you.
To add the person and grant permissions, do the following:
To view who has accepted invite requests, do the following:
The following statuses are shown:
To change a person's access level, name, phone number, job position, or role, do the following:
To delete permanently a person’s access to your Prime Video Direct Publishing account, do the following:
Warning: There is no confirmation when you click Delete and the deletion is permanent. You must re-invite the person to add them later to your Prime Video Direct account.
If you have problems signing in or viewing parts of your account, make sure you're using the correct email address and password. If you use the same email address for multiple accounts, the password you enter can control which account you access.
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