Helping studios, distributors, and independent filmmakers reach audiences worldwide.

Prime Video Direct is free to use. There are no setup or recurring charges to submit content or manage your titles through Prime Video Direct.
Make your titles available to rent or buy through Prime Video in the U.S. and other locations—on all supported devices—Fire TV, phones, tablets, game consoles, Smart TVs, and from the web.
With performance metrics like minutes streamed, number of subscribers, projected revenue, and payment history, you can optimize the way you promote your titles.
"PVD provides us with the flexibility to easily revise metadata ensuring audiences see our content at its absolute best."
Michael Madison
Indie Rights
“We have the control to create unique distribution strategies that reflect the changing ways in which our audiences discover our films.”
Peter Goldwyn
Samuel Goldwyn Films
"With PVD we are bringing content from our deep library of world-class shows to Prime Video’s global audience."
Wim Ponnet
Chief Strategy & Commercial Officer
Endemol Shine Group